As per the Regulation 30(5) of the Listing Regulations, 2015, the Board of the Bank has authorized the Chief General Manager / General Manager, S R Wing, HO, the Chief General Manager and GCFO F M Wing, HO and the General Manager & Secretary to the Board for the purpose of determination of materiality of an event or information and making disclosures to the Exchange/s through the Company Secretary of the Bank.
The contact details of the above authorized Personnel are as under :
The Chief General Manager / General Manager
Canara Bank
S R Wing, Head Office,
112, J C Road, Bengaluru – 560 002
Phone :  080-22104375
E-Mail ID :  pdwing[at]canarabank[dot]com

Chief General Manager & GCFO
Canara Bank
Financial Management Wing
112, J C Road, Bengaluru – 560 002
Phone : 080-22249989
E-Mail ID :  fmwing[at]canarabank[dot]com

General Manager & Secretary to the Board
Canara Bank
M D & CEO’s Secretariat, Head Office
112, J C Road, Bengaluru – 560 002
Phone :  080-22223174
E-Mail ID :  gmmdscrt[at]canarabank[dot]com