What is CKYCRR?

Central KYC Records Registry is a centralized repository of KYC records of customers in the financial sector with uniform KYC norms and inter usability of KYC records across the sector.


Functions of CKYCRR?

CERSAI is authorized to perform the functions of receiving, storing, safeguarding and retrieving the KYC records in digital form.


How CKYC ID is Generated?

The REs shall capture customer’s KYC documents and upload onto CKYCRR as per CERSAI Standards at the time of account-based relationship with the customer. The Central KYC Records Registry shall process the KYC records received from a reporting entity and issue a KYC Identifier. For customers whose accounts are opened before 01.01.2017 & CKYC ID is not present, the KYC records are uploaded to CERSAI at the time of ReKYC in an incremental manner.


How is CKYC ID useful to me?

Once your KYC details are registered with CKYC, you will receive a 14-digit CKYC Identification number which you can quote instead of submitting physical KYC documents for any financial transaction like opening of Demat account, buying an insurance policy, or investing in Mutual funds etc unless there is a change in your KYC details.


How Can I Get my CKYC Id Card?

  • To get your CKYC No./CKYC Card on your mobile, give missed call to Central Registry Toll Free Number: 7799022129.
  • For further details customer can visit ckycindia.in and download the CKYC Card.
  • CKYC Id is displayed in Bank Passbook, Account statement.


What is the procedure to be followed if CKYC ID is not available for me?

  • Firstly, you need to visit your nearest Branch having account-based relationship and submit all the relevant documents (Latest KYC Documents, Photograph) required for generation of CKYC Number.
  • Once the documents are Verified by Branch Officials, it will be processed for uploading of records on CKYC Registry.
  • Once the documents are successfully uploaded on CKYC Registry, you will be issued a 14-digit unique CKYC Identifier that can be used for availing various financial services in the future.
  • An SMS/Email will be sent by CERSAI to registered Mobile number once the CKYC ID generated.